Five year-old Megan Cahill has severe cerebral palsy spasticquadriplegia.
Margaret Hurley (18) has spasticquadriplegia, cannot speak and has to use a wheelchair.
Steven has cerebral palsy spasticquadriplegia and had been in receipt of 24-hour-a-day care for a number of years.
This study was designed to test the hypothesis that non-ambulatory patients with spasticquadriplegia will have reduced bone mass which worsens with increasing age.
Faye Walsh, Mr Justice Kevin Cross was told, has spasticquadriplegia, is non-verbal and can only communicate with her family by making noises and smiling.
Uso de spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy en inglés
Willow is two years and 10 months old and has spasticquadriplegiccerebralpalsy.
Rory Pender has spasticquadriplegiccerebralpalsy.
Translations for spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy